Restricting growth of trees
Trees grow until they reach the height and size that their genetic programming dictates. That said there are ways to restrict growth....
Trees grow until they reach the height and size that their genetic programming dictates. That said there are ways to restrict growth....
When a tree is young, its goal is to get its head above the competition and catch as much sunlight as possible. In the forest, where...
Tree transpiration and tree canopies can affect air temperature, radiation absorption and heat storage, wind speed, relative humidity,...
It is recognised that particular issues may stem from where trees with poisonous fruit and / or foliage is allowed to overhang onto...
Tree root systems do not grow very deep. Tree's roots grow shallow and wide. Do not cut them! Tap root? Okay, many conifers have tap...
The beauty of planting trees is that everyone has a chance to appreciate them - including succeeding generations - not just the gardeners...
Trees reduce the chances of rain harming soil. The roots of trees create multiple channels that can hold soil in place. The foliage atop...
Trees help rain seep into soil because living and decaying roots make soil porous by creating a network of well-connected, minuscule...
Trees are like the lungs of the planet. They breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen. Additionally, they provide habitat for...
It’s often possible to save a branch that has partially torn off a tree or even entirely broken free by grafting it back into place, much...
It might surprise you to learn that trees do get sunscald or sunburn and the remedy is not an SPF 30 lotion. Sunscald on trees usually...
The unofficial start to summer is here! Though, we wouldn’t enjoy those moments nearly as much without our trees! Shade trees instantly...
Tree Fungus is a common ailment for trees. When fungal spores come in contact with a susceptible host they begin to grow, enter, and feed...
First, decide if you can handle the job or you need help. If you need help contact LW Tree Care Ltd. It isn't easy. The project requires...
Leaves appear green because of the chlorophyll they contain. Chlorophyll is the part of the leaf that uses carbon dioxide, sunlight and...
What is the problem with trees and buildings? Structural damage caused by subsidence This is generally only a problem on shrinkable clay...
Nothing is more horrific to any gardener, hobbyist or professional, than seeing a beloved tree dying from disease. Trees can become...
In the summertime, tree leaves can fall victim to a variety of leaf illnesses and conditions. Insufficient watering, transplant shock,...
All birds in the UK are fully protected by law (Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 - WCA) from intentional harm. Under the same act, any...
Large and old oak trees have special properties lacking in younger trees. They have rougher bark, more dead branches in the crown, and...