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The LW Treecare Blog


Trees are vital. As the biggest plants on the planet, they give us oxygen, store carbon, stabilise the soil and give life to the world’s...

Birch it

Birch has a multitude of historical uses but is less familiar for its undoubted medicinal properties. The sap makes a clear and...

You must be barking!

HOW TO USE The best time to apply decorative bark is when the soil is thoroughly moist. Most often this is in late winter or early...

OAK history

Heroditus, the father of ancient history, recorded in the mid-400’s B.C., that oak trees were reputed to have within their boughs, the...

Lets talk tree-surgeon lingo

Pollarding is a method of pruning that keeps trees and shrubs smaller than they would naturally grow. It is normally started once a tree...

I am about to plant the dinning room table!

A furniture designer from Derbyshire has taken a unique approach to making new pieces -- grow them straight out of the ground. Gavin...

100 years to discover leaves can be slippery

A primary school has won the right to chop down a 100-year-old tree tree due to 'health and safety concerns' about chestnuts falling in...

Nuisance when neighbours branch out

Who owns a tree? The tree belongs to the person in whose garden it grows. What about overhanging branches that reach into my land? If the...


New Checkatrade feedback has been published! Hello - new scores have arrived! We have included a summary of the feedback we have recently...

What is Arboriculture?

Arboriculture was a term apparently well used in the 18th century. The Scottish author John Grigor seems to have been the first to...

We can help

See the site to see what else LWTreecare can do for you #lwtreecare #kent #canterbury #treecare #treesurgeon.#gardenmaintenance.#homeowne...

Where are my nuts?

Squirrels eat acorns year-around, but oak trees don’t drop acorns during the winter. Squirrels, therefore, collect more acorns than they...

LW Treecare - Tree surgeons in Canterbury, Kent

LW Treecare are professional tree surgeons and tree-care specialists in Kent. We offer both domestc and commercial services. Please visit...

Have you visited our tree-related resources page?

The LW Treecare resources page on our brand new website has a variety of articles, guides and videos for all you tree enthusiasts in...

Welcome to the LW Treecare blog

Welcome to the new LW Treecare website and to our blog, where you will find all manner of tree-related news, views and information....

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