Most trees reach ultimately at least 23ft (7m) tall and although most “garden trees” attain 30ft (10m) or more at maturity, there are many examples that stay smaller.
Most gardens can find space for the smallest trees, under 30ft high at maturity. Here are three excellent examples: Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy’ AGM, with large heart-shaped purple leaves, offers rich autumn colour. Cornus kousa 'Miss Satomi’ AGM, with wondrous white early summer flowers followed by red dimpled fruits, reaches 18ft (6m) height and spread. Sorbus vilmorinii AGM, 15ft (5m) height and spread, has delicate foliage with cream flowers followed by clusters of red berries that fade to white.
A valuable subsection of small trees are fastigiate (upright or columnar in form). They cast little shade and have a small “footprint”. Three good examples: Sorbus 'Autumn Spire’ AGM, 24ft x 12ft (8m x 4m), has white flowers, yellow berries and fiery autumn foliage. Prunus 'Amanogawa’ AGM is deservedly popular being reliably narrow at 26ft x 13ft (8m x 4m) and carrying masses of semi-double pale pink flowers. Malus 'Adirondack’ AGM, 26ft x 13ft (8m x 4m), has white spring flowers and little red crab apples in autumn.
